Portfolio Education

Caring for A Child’s Emotional Wellbeing

You teach them, you watch over them at break time, correct their homework. But how do you care for their emotional wellness?

We all like to think of children as happy little people enjoying their years of freedom before being overtaken by grown up life.

 But have you ever wondered if a child in your school is truly happy or facing challenges?

Have you noticed a child who was once alive and full of beans, now withdrawing into his shell? Or have you noticed the child who always had friends, now wandering the playground on his own? And what about the child who is mercifully quiet in class, quiet to the point you could forget he is there?

And there is the one who is falling behind in his classwork, giving you a dark look that says, “I don’t want to be here.”

How do you feel when you see these young people being less than they could be?

 Helpless?  A failure in your role as an educator?

You are qualified and experienced

You want the best for all of them now and in the future. You know that time in your classroom is vital preparation for the lives they will lead as adults.

But there are times when you ask yourself if they are really going to be fully prepared. Especially when they are disengaging from school and friends or acting in or out.

21st Century life is hard on children and equally hard on their teachers.

You and the children you teach are among the many whose lives have been overtaken by the speed and general busyness of 21st century life.

Their lives are dominated by screens, technology, and preparing for exams, leaving little space for the essential moments of their emotional development.

And your life is dominated by preparing classes, correcting homework and all the paperwork that comes with being a 21st century teacher.

How then do you find time to focus on your pupils’ emotional needs?

In a fast-paced world, the child’s emotional development very often has to take a backseat. Meaning:

  • Children do not learn how to identify their emotions.
  • They find it difficult to express how they are feeling.
  • They fail to gain the skills needed to control negative emotions.
  • They are left without the emotional strength needed to face challenging situations now and in the future.
  • Their social skills suffer.

 Stephanie O Malley, B.A. Psych, M.A. Psych, an educational psychologist noticed these problems when working with children. Seeing the effects 21st century living was having on young people and their educators, and having a passion for children’s emotional wellness, she resolved to do something about it.

Understanding children needed an emotional curriculum to complement the standard academic one, led to her developing a programme that would answer their needs.

 And so D.E.S.T.Y. Education was born.

D.E.S.T.Y. Education has already helped thousands of educators of young children deal with the emotional challenges their pupils are facing. Established in 2015, D.E.S.T.Y. Education aims to build emotional strengths in children, strengths that complement the work being done in schools.

 D.E.S.T.Y. Island is an online one to one programme designed for children.

A fun, interactive programme, D.E.S.T.Y. Island helps children navigate through the range of emotions they are experiencing, emotions that make it difficult for them to fully benefit from their regular schooling.

Through participating in the programme, they learn to:

  • Identify their emotions
  • Control challenging emotions such as anxiety, anger.
  • Develop their self confidence
  • Develop emotional strength
  • Forge stronger connections with adults and peers

 Through 14 online sessions of between 30 – 40 minutes each they travel to D.E.S.T.Y. Island where they meet their guide D.E.S.T.Y. They carry a D.E.S.T.Y.  teddy with them as well as a pack of feeling cards.

They are accompanied on their Island visit by a mentor.

  • Who is a significant adult in his or hers life,
  • Who has undergone training in the D.E.S.T.Y. Mentor Programme,
  • And who becomes their role model as they work together through the programme.

Telling D.E.S.T.Y. their story, the programme is personalised to each individual child. As they work through the programme, their emotional wellbeing is nurtured, and they develop the exceptional strengths and talents today’s world calls for.

To build on the work started on D.E.S.T.Y. Island they are encouraged to continue the experience with an offline toolkit which includes a workbook.

What guarantees the effectiveness of the programme?

The programme is evidence based and developed by an educational psychologist. Children who have participated in the programme have shown an 11 percentile increase in their academic performance.

Studies have found that 80% of children who completed the programme have become emotionally stronger.

The child’s progress is monitored, through a pre and post strengths and difficulties questionnaire. (SDQ’s)

Mentors working with the children doing the programme have access to technical support for the duration of the programme. C.P.D. courses on areas such as dealing with grief, bullying, and building self-confidence are also available to mentors through the D.E.S.T.Y. Academy.

Our experience: The D.E.S.T.Y. programme has been implemented in virtual schools, international schools in Europe and the Middle East, and by trusts dealing with children’s needs.

How do I know if this programme is for our pupils?

You can check out some of the statements made by educators who engaged with the programme

It empowers children and gives them strategies to become resilient human beings. Paula Jensen Educator. Dubai.

The D.E.S.T.Y. programme is a well-structured programme that helps children to identify and explore feelings and make sense of their world. Debbie Williams, Head Teacher, Knowsley Virtual School.

I find it easier to calm down now and I find it easier to talk to the adults in my life. James Age 7, a young man who benefitted from the programme.

                                                 Book a Demo

                           To see how the programme works.

If a pupil of yours is struggling with the challenges posed by being a child in today’s world, D.E.S.T.Y. Island can help him or her overcome those difficulties and free you up to do what you do best.

              For children who need help engaging with the work you

                                 are doing in your classroom:

                      Buy the D.E.S.T.Y. Island programme now.